(Mature Size: 18"T x 40"W)
- Sport of H. 'Step Sister' that offers wider margins.
- Hosta 'Step Sister' is a sport of H. 'Sunlight Sister' which is a gold sieboldiana type.
- Leaves on H. 'Sister Act' emerge with a wax coating in spring which gives the gold center a hazy appearance and the makes the margins blue.
- In summer the leaves turn bright gold and the margins become dark green.
- The color contrast in summer really stands out in the garden.
- Near white flowers in early summer.
Why Should I Grow It? New hosta that grows well and looks nice.
(Walters Gardens)
Medium Hosta Cultivar
Color: Blue-Green and Gold
Size: 18 inches tall by 40 inches wide
Type: New Hosta
Product Sizes: Available in 4.5 Inch Container, 35mm Starter Plug, Two Gallon