(Mature Size: 20"T x 38"W)
- Hosta 'Lakeside Beach Captain' is an excellent sport of H. 'Lakeside Shore Master' with wider blue-green margins.
- This hosta has thick heart-shaped leaves that come to a distinctly pointed tip.
- Their large blue-green leaves have a narrow creamy-yellow center.
- Great color contrast on this durable hosta.
- We've seen this hosta listed as 15 inches tall but have seen one over 20 inches tall. We recommend expecting the larger size at maturity.
- White flowers in summer.
Why Should I Grow It? Beautiful contrasting foliage and is fairly rare.
(M. Chastain 2003)
Medium Hosta Cultivar
Color: Blue-Green with Creamy-Yellow
Size: 20 inches tall by 38 inches wide
Type: Slug Resistant Hosta
Product Size: 4.5 Inch Container